Client Feedback
"Það er svo mikil gjöf það sem hendur Erlu hafa að færa. Hún hefur þann hæfileika að nýta það sem náttúran gefur okkur. Síðasta sumar tók ég flæði á morgnana og yfir daginn til að styrkja mitt innra jafnvægi og þegar ég þarfnaðist tengingu við sjálfa mig og líkama. Teblöndurnar hennar Erlu hafa verið mjög nærandi fyrir mig og styrkt mína tengingu við móður jörð. Sól var með orku frá sumrinu og fór ég spart með til að ég eiga hluta af náttúrunni frá sumrinu lengi meir inn í harða veturinn þegar allt var snævi þakið. Ég er svo þakklát." -Brynhildur Julía
"I have been working with a variety of the herbal formulas that Erla has handcrafted for about six months now and I have noticed a vast difference in both emotional and physical wellbeing since I began. Erla has a wealth of knowledge about the benefits of every herb she works with, and the blends she has created for me are not only delicious in taste, their healing properties ease my physical aches and pains more consistently than most over the counter medications I've tried. I have noticed such a decrease in inflammation and water retention since I started infusing her tinctures into my beverages and it has made such a difference in my every day life. Erla is so intentional about her work and it is obvious that she has a true passion for what she creates." -Courtney H
"The Grace Session felt as though Erla opened up my own personal tool box and gave me new perspectives on how to use the tools. It was as if a gentle observer was looking at my soul and saying, “You know how sometimes you do this and this makes you feel good? Yeah, this is the reason why, keep doing that.” The grace session is like receiving a guide of yourself- it gets right to identifying the motivations of your soul, illuminating and mirroring back to you who you are. Erla's approach to human design is such a special resource of information- it left me with valuable insight to touch back to in moments when I do not feel centered in myself." - Malorie
"Mæli mikið með að fara í Human Design lestur hjá Erlu ef þú vilt læra að vera besta útgáfan af sjálfri þér - á þinn einstaka hátt í gegnum þitt chart. Þetta er svo skemmtileg upplifun og maður fær svo mörg aha-moment um sjálfan sig. Mér leið smá eins og ég væri hjá sálfræðingi nema hann vissi allt um það hvernig ég virka. Það er svo fallegt þegar maður sér á blaði af hverju maður er eins og maður er því þá gefur það manni svigrúm til þess að leyfa sér að vera þannig án þess að dæma það og notfæra sér það frekar. Erla er svo vandvirk og leggur mikinn metnað í allt sem hún gerir og það sést hvað hún leggur mikla vinnu í hvern og einn lestur. Gæðin í gegn! Takk fyrir mig elsku Erla" -Stefania
"I highly recommend going for a Human Design reading with Erla if you want to learn how to be the best version of you— in your own unique way through your chart. It is such a fun experience and you’ll have endless “aha” moments about yourself. I sort of felt like I was with a therapist but she everything about me and how I operate. It’s so beautiful to see on paper why you are the way that you are, because it gives you flexibility and permission to be yourself entirely, without judgment and rather just optimize and make the most of the parts of you that you misunderstood throughout you life. Erla is so intentional and places so much care and respect into everything she does and it is very evident how much energy she places into each reading. Quality through and through! Thank you dearest Erla" -Stefania
"My life long curiosity about, spirit, soul, personalities and mind has taken me to a whole new level of understanding myself and others. I am grateful for this endless interest I have about life and everything in it. When I heard about Human Design through Erla Sól, I was of course curious to learn more. So I got my birth time and place information ( super easy to get ), and started to look at my chart. I immediately knew I needed help here, the chart needs to be read to you and explained in detail. To have a reading session with Erla Sól was not just mind blowing and fun, it really made me FINALLY realize who I am, what I stand for, why I am who I am, why I love what I love and most importantly to be FULLY SATISFIED with who I am and FULLY OPEN to maximize and improve my experience and potential opportunities in my life. I can not say enough about this way of learning about yourself and the people around you, co workers, family and any humans you come across. This will make you a better human, this will improve relationships, businesses and all of the above. Here is the best part about the Reading, Erla Sól will go into as much detail as you wish. She makes everything look extra easy, clear, important and last but not least detail of professionalism is guaranteed. I highly recommend Erla Sól as a Human Design Reader for all humans interested, whether you are running a household, international business, small business, art gallery, school or hospitals. The level of inspiration she radiates is contagious and beyond everything I have experienced. We changed our method of managing our barn after a session with Erla Sól she gave my barn manager. We cant wait for our joint session with Erla Sól to set the bar even higher at our every day life at work and spread understanding and success to the fullest to all the workers and the clients." -Ebba