In Human Design, there are 5 different energy types which describe the nature of your aura, the way in which your energy is in continual collaboration with the universe and your ecosystem. Each energy type is informed by the energetic circuitry within your aura based on the energy expressed in the atmosphere the precise moment you were born and when your soul incarnated to the Earth.
The 5 different types are the Generator, Manifesting Generator, Manifestor, Projector, and the Reflector. The energy type is not a personality type, but rather the nature of how your aura relates to the outer world, other people, and how it co-creates with the universe. The Human Design chart, the Bodygraph, contains a multitude of key aspects and many nuances, but the energy type is the most important part to understand to begin to live according to your aura energetics.
Each energy type has their own Strategy, which is the specific method for getting into alignment and living the truth of your energetic circuitry so you can find more grace and fulfillment in life. Inherent to the energy type is what we call the Signature, the state of being and feeling you will experience when you are living in accordance to your true nature, when you act according to your Strategy. Your Signature is a byproduct of living your Strategy. This sensation is the embodied marker that gauges your alignment and directs you to your life purpose. With awareness and acceptance, the Signature can be perceived as an embodied physical sensation that indicates that you are on your path to purpose and actualization of your innermost potential. The more you are able to experience your Signature in life, the more purpose and beauty you will experience. It’s not an end goal, but rather the internal vibe you want to embody as much as you can to live the truth of your essence.
The Not Self Theme is what comes when you fall off track from your Signature when you move away from your Strategy. Similar to the Signature, it can be felt in the body. When you act in a way that actively goes against your Strategy, you move further away from your Signature and enter your Not Self Theme which is an unpleasant state of awareness that informs you that you are moving away from your purpose, falling out of alignment, and losing connection with your soul essence. The Not Self Theme affects your lived experience as well as how others perceive you and the impact you have on them. So the more you fall out of alignment, the less you will be able to share your light with others, and the more you live according to your energetics, the more magnetic and radiant you become, creating value and beauty in the world. The more you live in accordance to your Strategy, the more fulfillment and purpose you will feel as you experience your Signature, living out your authentic gifts and radiate your unique essence.
Each energy type has a specific role in the evolution of consciousness and a unique purpose in the world. They are all inherently crucial for the function of society and work together in countless ways. I believe that we are all born with a specific purpose in the evolution of humanity, and that we are all born destined for greatness. The less we resist this and the more we live according to our true nature, the happier and more fulfilled we become. Human Design helps us to understand our own individuality so we can live our design, our inherent greatness to its fullest to maximize our potential and lead truly beautiful lives.
In my teaching of the energy types, I am describing them based on their highest alignment, their authentic code of expression, rather than the conditioned misaligned state which is impacted by the Not Self Theme. The energy type descriptions depict the radiance, potential, and energetic influence on others, their ecosystem, the world at large, and the evolution of consciousness.
Generators create energy for others when they do what they love. They are the most open type of aura, enveloping the energy of the people around them. Generators are attuned to the cosmic flow of life force and integrate it into the world with their receptive and welcoming aura. When they are living authentically, they have consistent energy levels and can continually generate energy for others when they are in alignment. When they are satisfied and following what lights them up, they can move through life with consistency, grace, and ease. They illuminate the greatness of others and create magic for others to bask in and seek inspiration from. The light and energy of the generator sparks meaningful connection and illuminates the gifts of others.
Generators can exhaust themselves by doing too many things that don't light them up, which can end up draining them of their sparkling energy. When generators make too many compromises and do things that they don't want to do, say yes too much, or make too many sacrifices they are lower in energy and need to spare it for themselves. When they have given their power away like this, they can't overflow their life force with others because it's been dimmed and their radiance and magnetism decreases. When they make compromises for other people's expectations, follow unrealistic expectations they put on themselves, or do too many things based on what they think they “should” do, they become small and dim their light. When generators do things they are passionate about, they are able to generate more energy. Following what they love to do and allowing their innermost desires and creativity to guide them is key.
The Strategy for the generator is to respond. The generator has a defined sacral center, which is the powerhouse of creativity, desire, life force, and creation. The sacral center responds to things in the orbit of the individual. When things come into the orbit of a generator, it is up to the generator to respond, in order to decide whether they want to make the thing a part of their lived experience or not. They are meant to respond with a yes or a no to the things that enter their field of awareness. So when a generator is offered a piece of pie, their sacral will immediately light up and tell them “mmm yes please!” or “uhhh no not right now I’m kind of nauseous but thank you!” or… if their best friend invites them to see a movie tonight their sacral may respond with “heck yea! see you then” or “no thanks I know my ex will be there and that’s not what I need right now.” It’s a gut reaction, physically felt in the body.
The sacral center only operates in the present moment, so it is very important for generators to consistently check in with themselves and ask their sacral if the opportunities and things being presented to them are aligned or not. If they are not, it is in their best interest to make changes swiftly without shame, fear, or regret, fully trusting their own process knowing that their own way of making decisions is the way they will connect to their purpose and true authentic self.
The Not Self Theme of the generator is frustration. Generators become frustrated when they aren't accessing their light because its been blocked by things keeping them from their passions and soul purpose. This happens when they neglect their Strategy of responding. When they say yes to too many things, yes to things that they knew weren’t meant for them, when they ignore their immediate sacral gut response, when they actively go against their gut response and follow that trajectory, frustration builds. When generators respond to their environment and the things in their orbit, acting on whats being shown to them, they can absorb whats meant for them and utilize it to generate more energy and become more magnetic to the things meant for them to respond to. It’s important for generators to differentiate what a mental reaction is versus a sacral gut response. Generators want to make sure they have an embodied sacral response, not a mental reaction. This comes with practice and faith.
The Signature of the generator is satisfaction. When generators follow their Strategy and respond to life, they attract things into their orbit that bring them greater alignment and thus a sense of satisfaction. When a generator is satisfied, they aren’t desperately looking for new things to respond to or getting frustrated about their overcommitments or misunderstandings. They feel a deep sense of satisfaction with their life, purpose, and experiences.
Generators create meaningful work in the world that optimizes the flow of human energy. They bring light into the world with their radiance. They are filled with creativity and desire that they can tap into when they are following what lights them up. When they follow their sacral responses, they create more energy for the world. Generators are the life force of humanity, inspiring others to follow their passion and live their purpose while they energize everyone they come in contact with based on their excitement and zest for life and what they do.
Strategy: Responding
Not self: Frustration
Signature: Satisfaction
Manifesting generators are very quick and powerful people that have a visionary essence, making them capable of creating many valuable manifestations in one lifetime. They can jump between mastery of various things in one lifetime and create big impact in the world. They forge a new path forward in life and create something that’s never done before. Manifesting generators inspire others to follow their passions to find their purpose, and to go after the things you want to pursue. They ebb and flow harmonizing between the energy of the manifestor and generator. They are a hybrid of the two. Their generator aspect with the defined sacral center is here to generate life force for others and the manifestor aspect with the defined throat center is here to make things come to life, to actualize the fruits of their sacral creation into the world. It is vital for them to always need to listen to sacral response before using their throat to express themselves and bring their creations to their world. To successfully share what they love with the world, they must be present and respond, then use the voice to express and go forward.
Manifesting Generators can be conditioned into thinking they need to complete projects before moving on to something else, but that isn't true. They can flow between tasks and missions seamlessly and do better when they have many things going on at once. Manifesting generators may have many different projects going on at a time, run multiple businesses, have led a multitude of seemingly unrelated career paths, and lead deeply dynamic lives. They have the creative life force and power to pull it all off and then move on to the next thing as they wish. Oftentimes when they look back at the trajectory of their life and reflect on everything they’ve put into the world, it all makes sense in their evolution. This is all in alignment for the manifesting generator. So they must not be too critical of their unique process, knowing that they are here to pave their own way to fulfillment and success in life, whatever that means to them. Manifesting generators must be unafraid to move their life into uncharted territory and be revolutionary.
It is very important for the manifesting generator to be around people who support their own unique way of operating. They are meant to use their strategy of responding to the things in their orbit, and then also utilize their manifestor aspect by properly informing the people around them of what they are up to, what they are creating, and where they are headed so that the right people can rally for them, support them, and jump on board with their revolutionary ideas and manifestations.
The Strategy for the manifesting generator is to respond. They have a defined sacral center, which is the powerhouse of creativity, desire, life force, and creation. The sacral center responds to things in the orbit of the individual. When things come into the orbit of a manifesting generator, it is up to them to respond in order to decide whether they want to make the thing a part of their lived experience or not. They are meant to respond with a yes or a no to the things that enter their field of awareness. So when a manifesting generator is offered a piece of pie, their sacral will immediately light up and tell them instantly “mmm yes please!” or “uhhh no not right now I’m kind of nauseous but thank you!” or… if their best friend invites them to see a movie tonight their sacral may respond with “heck yea! see you then” or “no thanks I know my ex will be there and that’s not what I need right now.” It’s a gut reaction, physically felt in the body.
The sacral center only operates in the present moment, so it is very important for manifesting generators to consistently check in with themselves and ask their sacral if the opportunities and things being presented to them are aligned or not. If they are not, it is in their best interest to make changes swiftly without shame, fear, or regret, fully trusting their own process knowing that their own way of making decisions is the way they will connect to their purpose and true authentic self.
The Not Self Theme of the manifesting generator is frustration. They can become frustrated when they are not doing what lights them up, especially when they aren't flowing in the way that feels most natural to them. They have to honor their impulses and follow their excitement. Manifesting generators become frustrated when they aren't accessing their light because its been blocked by things keeping them from their passions and soul purpose. This happens when they neglect their Strategy of responding. When they say yes to too many things, yes to things that they knew weren’t meant for them, when they ignore their immediate sacral gut response, when they actively go against their gut response and follow that trajectory, frustration builds. When manifesting generators respond properly to their environment and the things in their orbit, acting on whats being shown to them, they can absorb whats meant for them and utilize it to generate more energy. It’s important for manifesting generators to differentiate what a mental reaction is versus a sacral gut response. They want to make sure they have an embodied sacral response, not a mental reaction. This comes with practice and faith.
The Signature of the manifesting generator is satisfaction. When they follow their Strategy and respond to life, they attract things into their orbit that bring them greater alignment and thus a sense of satisfaction. When a manifesting generator is satisfied, they aren’t desperately looking for new things to respond to or getting frustrated about their overcommitments or misunderstandings. They feel a deep sense of satisfaction with their life, purpose, and experiences.
Manifesting generators actually create new paths for others to follow and inspire others to function in their own unique way, following their excitement. They bring light and electricity to everyone they encounter when in alignment. They invigorate others to follow their creative impulses and sacral creative drive. When manifesting generators own their own path, they give others permission to do the same. They peel back layers of judgment and shame in doing things in a new way. They are fireballs of energy that can accomplish massive tasks and do big things, many in one lifetime.
Strategy: Responding
Not self: Frustration
Signature: Satisfaction
Manifestors are powerful creators, catalysts of change, and leaders. They are impeccably strong individuals that can direct energy in a specific direction to create real impact and change. They have the ability to see a big idea to completion, getting other people on board with them. They are able to conceptualize their visions and make them into a reality when they have the right support around them. Manifestors are extremely powerful in their strength to actually do things and make them happen, making life their own and becoming masters in their field. They have a protective energy that keeps their energy centers flowing and their ideas whole. Their aura is the largest and it is said to be selective. It can often be perceived as closed, when really the manifestor is here to select the right people for their path and move forward with those who are truly their in support of their path. When they invite others to walk the path with them, they become stronger. They have inconsistent energy, working best in bursts of full throttle energy and resting and integrating and receiving. The manifestor gets impulses from the universe that catapult them into action, to tackle a big project, to manifest a new creation, to learn something, or move forward with an important idea. They follow these urges to completion and then rest to receive guidance from the universe towards the next thing. It is vital for the manifestor to know when to start and when to stop. Since they have inconsistent energy, they have to work smart and use their energy wisely while they have it, knowing that they will have to take intermittent rest periods to integrate their work and to create space for new ideas and impulses to arise.
The Strategy of the manifestor is to inform. The manifestor has a defined throat center, meaning they have the ability to use their voice and move their ideas into the world. However, the manifestor will not be able to pull off their ideas and visions without the support of others, so they must inform. In order to receive the support of others who rally for them and encourage their actions, the manifestor must inform people of what they are doing, where they are headed, what’s next, and what their impulse is. The more that the manifestor is able to communicate with the outside world about what they are doing and what they are feeling, the more ease and peace they will feel. Communcation for the manifestor is everything. Also, the inconsistent energy of the manifestor is something that must be communicated with the people around them, so they can work at their own pace. Manifestors need to feel fully immersed and focused on their tasks, projects, and actions. When they are following one of these urges or impulses, they are full steam ahead moving forward. They don’t have space for distraction, or people asking them about what they’re doing or how they’re gonna pull it off. So in order to be left in peace to do what they want to do, they must inform, inform, inform. They actually work really well with a team of supporters around them, so they must use their defined throat center to express their visions and ideas with others.
When manifestors isolate themselves and forge their own path forward without getting others involved and on board with what they are doing, they become angry, which is their Not Self Theme. Anger is a strong feeling that arises when the manifestor does not inform others of what their impulse is leading them to. Their intensity becomes misperceived by others and they will receive backlash. When they are not aware of their selective aura, people will get turned off and feel that they are too intense and take up too much space. When they try to stay small for the comfort of others, they build up anger and fall out of alignment because they are allowing others to get in the way of their doing. They are here to do big things and make big moves. They create resistance for themselves when they don't inform others of their intentions because their actions will turn heads and get people to judge and maybe even try to stop them. When they are closed off and don’t communicate and share their light with the world, they repel the people who would like to be on board with them. Rather than getting the help they need from them to pull it off, they repel them.
When a manifestor has a vision, they can only pull it off when they have the help of other people to help move them forward consistently. If they try to do it all on their own with their inconsistent energy levels, they will burn out and seek to isolate themselves. They have to feel a love of being involved with others to really see the vision to completion. When manifestors hit the road running without telling anyone where they're going, they will be interrupted and questioned, messing with their flow, as they have inconsistent energy that needs to be streamlined consistently before it runs out. Manifestors often need to take a break to build up their energy again before sharing their latest impulse with the world. Manifestors can actually make stuff happen. They have the drive and motivation to finish a big project and make it something amazing. When they share with others what they are doing, they will want to join them and help to make it happen. Getting others on board with them will increase the vitality of their movement and get their forward momentum in motion, increasing the likelihood of its completion and success. They have power over everything they let in to their life. So, it is the role of the manifestor to remain open and receptive, listening to the universe to be able to pick up on the cues and suggestions for what needs to be acted upon next to create real impact and change for the world.
When the manifestor becomes a master of informing and overcomes their Not Self Theme of anger, they can experience peace. The signature of the manifestor is peace. They will feel a deep sense of peace in their life, which will indicate that they are living according to their true energetics, living their authentic lived experience. When the manifestor experiences peace in every area of life, they are in their closest proximity to their soul essence and life purpose.
Strategy: Informing
Not self: Anger
Signature: Peace
Projectors are very astute people with a specific eye for innovation and success. Projectors are individuals who can pierce through the aura of others and recognize their soul on a deep level. Projectors have a penetrating aura that cultivates a deep recognition and understanding of others. They are able to understand and connect with others in a deep and beautiful way. Projectors are very intelligent and have a way of seeing things that makes them highly individual. Their purpose in the world is to share what it is that they see so clearly with the people who are open to hearing their unique perspective, and to show us that life can be done at our own pace.
Projectors have inconsistent energy levels and work best intermittently with plenty of rest in between focused work. Because of this aspect of their energetics, projectors can push themselves to exhaustion when they go against their design. They are highly capable of making improvements to what they can recognize as something that could operate better. Projectors have an inherent gift to recognize things that are working and things that aren’t, and how to make them better. They have a knack for systems and innovation. Projectors are able to create abundant success for themselves but oftentimes they get distracted by creating success for others, working too hard and too much as if they had consistent energy levels. When a projector works nonstop every day for years for the success of another and doesn’t take the rest they need, they will burn out. Projectors need to rest since they have inconsistent energy. When they try to function like the rest of the world, they get burnt out. They can get lost in the flow of other people and forget their own unique rhythm. The projector has a special rhythm and flow of energy that is unique to them, and the more they lean into their own way of doing life, the more aligned they will become.
It is very important for the projector to be in environments where they feel seen for their gifts. They have very special characteristics that set them apart from others, and when they are recognized for this and invited to share their gifts, they will connect to their purpose. When a projector is purposeful and aligned, they are in an environment that recognizes their talent and creates space for them to embody and express that. Projectors can feel under appreciated and unseen when they are not aligned, because they aren't valuing their own unique perspective and purpose. They have to do things their own way at their own pace.
The Strategy of the projector is to wait for the invitation. Because the projector is so intelligent and advanced in innovation, they will most likely have lots of ideas, suggestions, tips, guidance, and advice for how things can be improved or done better to create more success. However, because they have a penetrating aura, a projector continually sharing what they see with others when not invited to do so will lead to rejection. Their voice may be turned down, unheard, ignored, or actively rejected. This is because the other person hasn’t created space in their aura to receive the insights from the projector. When the projector has waited for an invitation to share their gifts, the gifts will be deeply appreciated, respected, and even revered as something profound, perhaps life changing. It’s important for a projector to understand what an invitation is, what isn’t, and what both of these experiences feel like in their body. An invitation isn’t always a formal written invitation, but often a spontaneous alignment to something they’re interested in, a local event for their niche, or a new patron of their services.
The projector is not meant to just be waiting around for invitations, but rather to create invitations by staying focused on what they love to do, master their craft, hone in on their vision, and refine their practices to become more magnetic to the things that are meant for them. It’s important for the projector to rest, take care of themselves, work smart, refine their gifts, focus on their niche, gather information, and step into the right spaces. They will benefit from creating their own lifestyle and workflow based on the rhythm of these parts of life that feel attuned to their inner cycles. The more focused they are on their niche knowledge and take the time to observe, gather information, and refine their gifts, the more invitations they will cultivate around them when they step into the correct environments. They are more likely to receive aligned invitations when they are actively working towards success in their own life and when they immerse themselves in environments where they are seen and recognized. When projectors begin saying no to invitations that don’t feel correct and step away from the environments that take their gifts for granted, they step closer to their purpose.
The Not Self Theme of the projector is bitterness. When the projector is continually moving against their strategy, they become bitter. When they don’t wait for invitations and instead chase after things that they think are meant for them, they will be further away from alignment. They will be rejected and misunderstood when they try to share their gifts with those who don’t appreciate them and haven’t created the space within to receive them. When projectors are repeatedly rejected, this bitter feeling arises and keeps them from entering the relationships and environments that will recognize their gifts and bring them success. Projectors can feel bitter because others don't see them as clearly as they can see others. They may also feel bitterness when comparing themselves to generators or manifesting generators who have consistent energy levels and don’t wait for an invitation and seem to move through life in a faster way, but this is an illusion. This does not define success, and the projector can have the same if not more success than anyone, as long as they follow their own Strategy. Sometimes the bitterness arises from a place of unrequited recognition. They are sensitive to their surroundings and must be in spaces that feel nourishing and receptive. The projector can harbor resentment that stems from the consistent feeling of bitterness from not waiting for an invitation. When they expect others to recognize them right away or be open to their vision and insights, they close themselves off to the potential of connection or collaboration. Projectors will be aligned when they realize that people don't want to see what they're not ready to see. People will be turned off when projectors try to convince them of something they aren't ready for, or didn't ask for. Then, projectors can become bitter and resentful, and are often burnt out by this point. When projectors force things, they fall out of alignment. They have to trust in divine timing and honor their own pace of life.
Success is the signature of the projector. When the projector follows their Strategy of waiting for the invitation, they create an energetic pathway for success. Success can mean many things and is of course highly individual. It’s very important for the projector to define their own meaning of success. The experience of success will arise from helping others to achieve success through the invited sharing of their gifts, vision, talents, and expertise. When others succeed, they succeed and vice versa. The projector lives in authenticity when they recognize themselves first, honor their own energy, live in their own unique way, and understand their relation to others through self awareness. They are highly capable of accomplishing success in a way much bigger than their biggest dream.
Strategy: Wait for the Invitation
Not self: Bitterness
Signature: Success
Reflectors are the most rare energy type, with all open energy centers that mirror and reflect the energy around them. Reflectors are highly spontaneous and open beings that absorb the energy of the people around them and the energies in their ecosystem. They absorb and take in all of the unique expressions of the human experience that they come in contact with. Reflectors absorb their environment and take on what what resonates with their inherent character and their current state of being. They are wise and have the potential to be highly evolved, since they sample and experience everything around them and take it on as part of their aura. Reflectors are intricately connected to the cosmos and are highly affected by the astrological planetary transits since their aura is so open, since their energy centers are not defined with their own innate energy. Reflectors will be the most affected by the different phases of the moon. Reflectors are here to show us the beauty of cycles, change, transition, and to remind us of our cyclical nature.
Reflectors have a special gift of being able to mirror back to others the truth of their own essence. They reflect back to others the beauty of their own soul and their highest potential. They show other people who they really are. They show other people their greatest gifts. Reflectors also reflect back to the world the condition of the society they are in contact with. When they live in a sick society, they can embody that sickness. When they live in a more highly functioning society, they can be very healthy and happy. Reflectors always reveal the truth, and sometimes the world is not ready to see itself, sometimes people aren’t ready to see themselves. But when the reflector mirrors something, it is of the highest integrity and importance, and they do it just by existing and living their lives authentically. They mirror back the energy they are absorbing, and thus they are inherently highly sensitive to their environment.
It is crucial for reflectors to take the time they need to rest and clear out their aura from all the energy they have taken on throughout the day. The reflector will benefit from creating a space for themselves in their home that feels pure and resembles their own essence. They will also benefit from creating space for themselves throughout the day to envision their energy field being cleared of what isn’t theirs. When they don’t create this space, they can carry the heavy burden of other people’s expectations, thought programs, emotions, impulses, and reactions which eventually will be too heavy to carry, leading to sickness, disease, and burnout. The reflector must be sure to continually release what isn’t theirs, release what doesn’t serve them, and carry on being their authentic open self. They have to take the time to clear out their aura of energy that does not belong to them, and clarify their energy centers from programs that they have absorbed from others or their environment.
The Strategy of the reflector is to let life show them the way, to wait a lunar cycle and allow life to reveal the best course of action. Reflectors are here to be gently moved forward, to let life reveal itself to them as they peel away the layers of what they think they “should” do and follow the gradual hints that guide them to their next step. They will often get little nudges from the universe consistently over a period of time. This is the universe showing the reflector that this is something worth investigating. Since they are so open and receptive, they are constantly absorbing the energy of their ecosystem and the moon & stars. To know if things are aligned, it is in the best interest of the reflector to give the idea 28 days to marinate before they make any final decisions. They have to sample the potential outcome from all potential angles of embodied energy to feel if it is aligned for them. When something feels like a full body yes after weeks of nudges and hints that this could be something good, it’s worth going for. If it’s something that can’t wait 28 days, it most likely is not going to be worth it, and anything that’s really good knows that it’s worth waiting for. If the person, place, or thing can’t wait for you, it’s not it. Reflectors have to let their subtle hints and nudges play out organically over time until they blossom into the aligned thing that was meant for them all along. The world we live in wants us to act quick, make rash decisions, buy the thing, rent the apartment, right now. But as we evolve, we want to be more intentional and meticulous with our decision making, and this is what the reflector is here to teach us. It’s a blessing in disguise, one that will over time lead the reflector to their highest truth and purpose.
The reflector is here to become very wise and conscious of all areas of the human experience and share with us the wisdom they have gained from all the energy they have sampled and experienced. They often live very dynamic and interesting lives, living in magical realms of wild stories, spiritual experiences, and unbelievable happenstances that brought them experiences that were beyond their wildest imagination. This informs and fulfills their Signature which is surprise. When a reflector is constantly feeling in awe of life and its abundance of magic and beauty, surprising themselves with new discoveries, new layers of beauty, and deeper fulfillment, they are living their Signature and connecting to their purpose. They will attract more of this magic and attract more surprise when they share it with others and demonstrate how special and magical life really is, inspiring others to sense this too.
The reflector is able to amplify and reflect back the beauty and magic in others too, helping people to recognize their own uniqueness and gifts. They are also able to reflect to us where we are out of alignment and what we need to work on or become aware of to get back in touch with our truth and purpose. Due to this natural ability to see the truth, they are able to pick up on subtle energy in other people's auras and sense when others are being inauthentic. They have a low tolerance for people who are acting inauthentic and will show them where they are not being genuine even if only subconsciously.
When a reflector is not aligned to their authenticity, they are constantly trying to live like other energy types, comparing themselves to other energy types around them, identifying too heavily with certain ideas, roles, programs, or personas, trying to label themselves, and are overly rigid with how they live their lives. This rigidity takes them out of their natural state of openness and away from their authenticity. When they force themselves to fit into a box, not allowing themselves to experiment and try new things and ignore their need to keep a fluid and dynamic life, they will lose touch with their soul. They will feel disappointed at how dull life may feel and maybe even bored or aimless.
The Not Self Theme of the reflector is disappointment. This feeling arises when they have been falling off track from their openness and living their life full to the brim with energy that does not belong to them, keeping them blocked from the magic, surprise, and beauty that is meant for them. The very thing that fuels their soul purpose. To get back into alignment, the reflector must be accepting of their true open nature. They have to be open to sampling and trying on new energies, to experiment, try new things, be in different energies, spend time around different energy types, and connect with life in new ways consistently.
Connecting to their physical body to anchor into their energetic truth is key, and spending time alone to get truly intimate with their own essence is vital. The reflector needs more alone time and more space than anyone else. They need the space to differentiate between their own energy and the energy of the external world, and to sense how their energy is being affected by the moon and planetary transits. When they are too full of other people's energy and act like another energy type because they've taken on those thought patterns as their own, they do not have the capacity to feel the beauty, awe, and magic of life. They feel disconnected, overwhelmed, and lost. They need to clear their energy and connect to their openness, so that they can continue to sample, taste, and experience different energies to create space to live their truth. When they get to know the feeling of being receptive and open and integrated with all their gathered wisdom and their soul essence, they have their highest capacity to amplify, reflect, and illuminate the energy of others and share their insights with the world. They can do literally anything they want if they place their energy and intention to it! They just have to take the time to integrate and clear their energy all the time, honoring their cyclical nature.
Strategy: Let life show you the way
Not self: Disappointment
Signature: Surprise
The 5 energy types in Human Design all have their own purpose, value, and impact in the world that shapes our world and the potential for where we can evolve. The highest expression of each of the energy types when they are living according to their Strategy and connecting to their purpose by embodying their Signature, the further they get from their Not Self Theme, which keeps humanity in it shadow and away from its inherent light. For the sake of all of us, following our Strategy allows us to come into our purpose. Human Design is meant to be an experiment, so I really recommend just trying on your Strategy here and there, gradually allowing it to seep into your life and feel the benefits of it move you in the direction of greater fulfillment, grace, and purpose. The thing with the Strategy is that, you just have to try it and trust it, knowing that you’re swimming with the current not against it, and that you’re acting in favor of you, so that you can show up as the best version of you in every layer of life.